Legal information

Château Pierrail EARL
33220 Margueron – France
Tél. : +33(0)5 57 41 21 75
Fax : +33(0)5 57 41 23 77

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Photographs displayed on this web site are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. Any reproduction is prohibited for all kind of use in any form whatsoever, including printing and downloading on any kind of material.

Legal notice and editorial responsibility
This web site is the property of Château Pierrail EARL, company registered under N° RCS401 924 071, Code APE 0121Z, TVA N°FR48 401 924 071, which head office is located at Château Pierrail, 33220 Margueron, France.

Although Château Pierrail EARL has made reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information at the time of last revision, Château Pierrail EARL makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy or completeness. In no event shall Château Pierrail EARL be liable for any kind of loss or damage in connection with the use of or reliance on information in this web site. Editors are Alice and Aurélien Demonchaux, as managers of the company. This web site is in accordance with the modified French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978.

The material displayed on this web site, including, without limitation, all text, images, editorial materials, photographs, illustrations and other graphic materials, names, logos, trademarks are the property of Château Pierrail EARL. Any full or partial reproduction, representation, distribution, publishing or rebroadcasting of the contents of this website, by any process whatsoever, without the express prior permission of Château Pierrail EARL is forbidden, and shall constitute an act of forgery/counterfeiting penalized by Articles L 335 - 2 and following articles of the French Intellectual Property Code.

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Website content
Château Pierrail EARL reserves the right, at any time, without notice, to make improvements and/or modifications to the content of this web site.